We Wish You a Merry Christmas... and a Happy Birthday?
The annual Christmas mania is not for everyone. Even if you like the festivities, the Christmas decorations and ubiquitous music can be quite overwhelming. Frankly speaking, if you are not a person who enjoys ugly Christmas jumpers and kitschy red and green decorations, Christmastime can sometimes simply be annoying. But can you think of something even worse? Try having your birthday during the Christmas season! The author, happily born in the spring, imagines it is quite annoying when people constantly mix up your big day with celebrating Christmas. The Student Paper interviewed Elísabet Brynjarsdóttir, a former UI student who is currently working as a project manager for the Icelandic Red Cross. As her birthday is December 26, she suffers from the dreaded birthday-Christmas overlap each year. The interview gave some insights on how we can all acknowledge holiday birthdays better, even with Christmas jingles in the background.
Contributed photo / Kristrún Ásta Arnfinnsdóttir
In which ways is it annoying to celebrate your birthday during Christmastime?
It was more annoying when I was younger. No kids could come to my birthday party. I remember one party where very few showed up, maybe only my family, and I thought I was so uncool. Not only am I born during Christmas, when no one has time to think about you (dramatic but realistic), but I'm also the middle child. I think these two factors in my life made me the person I am today, an individual who needs to be in the spotlight. But I try to put it into a positive light!
What is positive about your Christmas birthday?
When I was younger, my parents did everything they could to make me feel special, so I owe them a great thank you. They really did their best, and because of them, I have very positive memories around Christmas. It has also made me very thankful for this time, made Christmas more positive overall. It has emphasized the importance of quality family time. Today, because I know I will probably be forgotten by most, I decided a couple of years ago to take matters into my own hands. I plan the day really well, throw a family brunch, and in the evening, I throw a really big theme party. People have really liked them throughout the years because it gives them an excuse to get away from their hectic Christmas stuff and party with me. Win-win for attention-thirsty me and stressed-out others!
How do you feel about Christmas-themed birthday presents?
When I was younger, it made me furious. I didn't think it was right that my siblings got two presents over the year, on their birthdays and then on Christmas, but I only got one. Today, I couldn't care less.
How would you like people to acknowledge your birthday? What are the do's and don’ts?
I'm kind of over the period in time where I had to get all the attention and got disappointed in people if they forgot about my existence during Christmas. I now realize that life isn't all about me. So, for me, it's really simple: Celebrate with me any way you find appropriate, and I will appreciate it! Nothing makes me happier than feeling all the good energy from people and knowing that they are thinking of me. That‘s really all that counts.
Anything else that you would like to share?
I think I've covered it all! But I'd like to say: Everyone is doing their best. Christmas can be a difficult time for people. I hope that you find some time to enjoy what you enjoy, no matter what others think of it. And yes, because I was born at Christmastime, I am the modern Jesus. That's how it works. Thank you!
Thank you, Elísabet. Nothing much to add there. If you have a friend who is celebrating their birthday during the Christmas holidays, try to make sure that you find a way to party with them. As always, communication is key. If you’re not sure what to do, simply ask. There’s a good chance they’ll appreciate your empathy on the topic. And as our little interview shows, a good portion of humour always helps. Merry birthdays, everyone!