Hidden Gems on Campus
“The library in Stakkahlíð is brilliant – the yoga corner, the writing center, and all the services available.” Stúdentablaðið/Unsplash
Translation: Julie Summers
A Student Paper journalist asked students from all the university’s various schools if they could name any hidden gems on campus. Some chose people as their hidden gems, while others mentioned rooms or interesting places that are great for studying or relaxing.
“The reading room in VRII. Coziest reading room on campus.”
Helga Sigrún, Chemical Engineering (VON)
“On the second floor of Veröld there’s a large corner room with really comfortable chairs and big tables for group work. There’s pretty much never anyone there, so the economics students use it a lot for studying and sometimes just to chill.”
Adda Malín, Economics (FÉL)
“The library in Stakkahlíð is brilliant – the yoga corner, the writing center, and all the services available.”
Kolbrún Lára, Early Childhood Education (MVS)
“I think it’s really nice to study down by the bookstore in Stakkahlíð. There’s never anyone around, so it’s really quiet and perfect for studying. It’s an absolute gem in the afternoons and evenings.”
Gunnar Karl, Secondary Education (MVS)
“Háma in Læknagarður is wonderful, especially Hafdís, who works there. She’s delightful and always puts you in a good mood.”
Ragna Kristín, Medicine (HEIL)
“The chapel in Aðalbygging is a great place that not many people know about. I didn’t know about it until a few days ago!”
Guðjón Máni, Economics (FÉL)
“Askja is underrated, as well as the tunnel to Veröld!”
Sigurhjörtur, Political Science (FÉL)
“The library in Veröld has a really relaxed atmosphere and is a really comfortable place to hang out.”
Bjarnveig, Icelandic (HUG)