The Student Paper's Horoscope // October - November
Translation: Þóra Sif Guðmundsdóttir
Stúdentablaðið/Elín Edda
Libra – One of your many strengths is being able to measure and explore every option available before making an informed decision. This comes in handy because you are entering a phase full of stress and need to decide whether to watch one more Netflix episode or study for that midterm exam that’s coming up. Although admittedly both options seem rather good.
Good advice: An ex-lover will re-enter your life in November. This is the perfect opportunity to use your decision-making skills.
Stúdentablaðið/Elín Edda
Scorpio – You’re mysterious and focused by nature, which is an enviable quality when exams are upon us. You never stop halfway when it comes to finishing assignments. You should find a study group that has the same aspiration, to finish one project before continuing to the next one.
Good advice: We recommend finding a new hobby when the moon is in its last quarter in October. Anything can happen.
Stúdentablaðið/Elín Edda
Sagittarius – One of your many traits is curiosity. You can’t help but encourage your study group to try harder and ask difficult questions. Your thirst for knowledge is unquenchable and you care little for rote learning. This is definitely a good quality, but when it comes to studying for exams it can be enough to just sit down and only study the things needed for the exam, as studying more than necessary could stress out other members of the group.
Good advice: Try wearing a new color during midterms - it could bring you luck.
Stúdentablaðið/Elín Edda
Capricorn – You are very straightforward and grounded. When people are anxious and about to crack under pressure, you swoop in and pull them back down to earth. There should be at least one Capricorn in every study group. In November, your skills will be put to the test when pressure builds around you.
Good advice: Prepare a packed lunch for school. It’s good for the nerves.
Stúdentablaðið/Elín Edda
Aquarius – You’re the thinker of the group. People in this sign can be loners and yet find great happiness in groups. Your independence will be tested when the pressure rises in a group project and not everyone agrees on what to do, but with positivity as a guiding light, you’ll do just fine.
Good advice: Do something nice to your hair around mid-November; it might just grab the attention of someone special.
Stúdentablaðið/Elín Edda
Pisces – As a Pisces, you’re emotional, ambitious and fickle. You make a fantastic confidante when partying. We recommend throwing a celebration after exams are over and having a candid conversation about love, the future, and success (or lack thereof) on your exams.
Good advice: It would be clever to start studying for the next big exam by showing up at the reading room at 8 am and studying well into the evening. That way you’re sure to succeed on your next exam.
Stúdentablaðið/Elín Edda
Aries – The pioneer of the study group, you’re all about finding new learning methods or new playlists to study to, and everyone follows your advice. You should mix up your study habits and study in a new spot.
Good advice: If you're tired from studying too much you should take a quick walk around campus. A perfect walking path could be walking from the library to Stapi, past Lögberg, Oddi and then back again.
Stúdentablaðið/Elín Edda
Taurus – You are by nature a very determined individual and nothing will stand in the way of reaching your goal. If your friends try to persuade you to go to a party on a Friday night when there’s an exam on Monday, they have no chance of succeeding, so they shouldn't even try.
Good advice: Changing locations while studying and settling in to a new environment could prove fruitful for you. Perhaps inspiration will hit you at the new location.
Stúdentablaðið/Elín Edda
Gemini – As a Gemini, you’re quite flexible and always full of ideas. When people feel stuck in a rut, it would be ideal to get a Gemini to join the group. You’ll bring a fresh perspective to the subject and shine a new light on things. You’re prone to bite off more than you can chew, but the key to success is to have good balance.
Good advice: Keep a diary throughout the semester for all your projects.
Stúdentablaðið/Elín Edda
Cancer – The Cancer is very loyal and caring. If you bombed an exam or just broke up with someone, talking things through with a Cancer will help you feel better, but even if you just want to curse, the Cancer is there for you no matter what. But dear Cancer, don’t get lost in being your friend's therapist; you do have studying to do (hopefully psychology).
Good advice: When it starts getting colder, instead of having coffee or amino, try switching things up by getting a warm cup of tea. It just might cheer you up during those short days.
Stúdentablaðið/Elín Edda
Leo – You’re a person of ideals, more often than not the leader of the group, and you tend to dominate the study group discussion. Try asking open-ended questions to encourage discussion so that everyone feels like part of the group.
Good advice: For your next exam wear something red; it just might be your lucky color.
Stúdentablaðið/Elín Edda
Virgo – You’re a hard worker and love having something to do. It can be fun debating with you since you tend to be full of uncertainty. You’re quite the perfectionist. If a group is shooting for a top grade, they need at least one Virgo. But just remember to relax; not everything needs to be perfect, just the things that really matter.
Good advice: On November’s new moon, try cutting sugar out of your diet; it might increase your focus.